Vectorna v0.2.0 released!

Hi all! First of all, thank you for following this project. It really means a lot to me, as this has been a passion project of mine for the last year or so. I hope you continue to follow along as I work towards a full release!

The main addition of v0.2.0 is a project export option! You can now export individual frames as PNGs. From there, you can import the image sequence into your video editing software of choice to compile a video. 

If you have any features you'd like to see or any general suggestions, please leave a comment below. 


  • Added an export frames option to the top menu bar
    • You can export any consecutive range of frames from your project to a destination folder
    • Exports frames as PNGs
  • Minor tweaks to the max project width, height, and length


Vectorna.exe 99 MB
3 days ago

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